Recent News Posts for our Downtown Property Owners & Business Lessees
Here you will find recent news posts specifically related to district governance and planning. These articles are written to inform our property owners and business lessees.
This information is also sent out in our weekly emails to our constituents. If you are not receiving these weekly emails, contact the Downtown Manager to update our records.
Downtown Difference Makers: - That's YOU!We all know local businesses make a difference! Thank you for ALL that you provide to our Manchester community! We are planning some art...
Celebrate Independent Retailer Month!Did you know that July is Independent Retailer Month? If you are a Downtown retailer, let us know how you are celebrating and thanking y...
Board of Commissioners UpdatesAt the July 21st Board of Commissioners Meeting Sohpia Dzialo, owner of The Firestone | Art Studio & Cafe, stepped down as Chair. Sophia...
Business to Business Businesses!Are you a Downtown Business that provides professional services that may benefit our other Downtown Businesses? Are you listed here? 1. ...
Planning Ahead for Downtown BusinessesDon't let our annual fall events catch you by surprise! It is not too early to begin planning your Downtown Scarecrow Festival entry! Le...
Manchester Town Clerk Office HoursHours of Operation Change The Manchester Town Clerk's Office hours will change, effective the week of June 5, 2023. The office will be o...