Business News

Recent News Posts for our Downtown Property Owners & Business Lessees

Here you will find recent news posts specifically related to district governance and planning. These articles are written to inform our property owners and business lessees.

View our Downtown News and Downtown Calendar to read posts that have been shared with the community.

This information is also sent out in our weekly emails to our constituents. If you are not receiving these weekly emails, contact the Downtown Manager to update our records. 
Free Course for Businesses: Managing Money in Your BusinessThis program offers a free interactive course designed to empower small business owners with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive...
You're Invited: Demystifying the Procurement ProcessUnlock the secrets to successful procurement collaboration with Manchester's Purchasing Office at our special event! Join us to demystif...
Attention Business Owners: ARPA Deadline Approaching! Unlock funding opportunities for your business with Manchester's ARPA grant programs! Learn more and apply today at
Town of Manchester Business Grant Opportunities: New Jul... Manchester Business Investment Fund Grant Program (Learn More) The goal of this fund is to financially assist small business projects in...
Banner Businesses Support Downtown ManchesterWe would like to thank each of our Banner Businesses for supporting Downtown Manchester! We cannot wait to see these bright and beautifu...
Two Upcoming Engagement Events for Downtown ProjectJoin the Downtown Manchester Improvements Project Team for two upcoming feedback opportunities. Help enhance Main Street for pedestrians...
Summer 2nd Saturday Weekend : Business PlanningSummer is almost here! The nice weather brings many events and guests to Downtown Manchester! As members of the Downtown Manchester Spec...
PPP Loan Forgiveness Deadline March 3rdAttention Business Owners: See this reminder from the SBA! Good Afternoon Municipal Friends. As you know, many CT small businesses recei...
Board of Commissioners UpdateTwo new commissioners were appointed during the February monthly meeting of the Downtown Manchester Special Services District Board of C...
Register to Create a Butterfly Stroll DisplayWe are ready to begin planning for this year's Butterfly Stroll! You can register to participate by creating a Butterfly-Inspired Displa...
Sponsor a Downtown Banner!New banners will soon brighten Main Street! Each year Downtown Main Street is lined with colorful banners, welcoming motorists and pedes...
Call for Nominations for Downtown Manchester Special Ser... The Downtown Manchester Special Services District (DMSSD) is the special taxing district of Downtown Manchester.DMSSD is a formal cooper...
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