Below are recent news articles from the District, our businesses, local nonprofits, art groups, and our Banner Sponsors. View our Downtown Calendar to see a list of upcoming events. Subscribe to WHAT'S UP DOWNTOWN to receive these updates via email twice a month!
Vote for Your Favorite Scarecrow!The 2024 Downtown Scarecrow Festival has arrived on Main Street! We hope that you will take some time to come downtown, grab a hot coffe...
2024 Downtown Scarecrow FestivalYou are invited to join the fun and create a scarecrow for our annual Downtown Manchester Scarecrow Festival! Individuals, families, gro...
Celebrate Manchester WeekCelebrate Manchester! June 1-9 This is the 33rd anniversary of the town's weeklong celebration and starts with a free concert at Center ...
A Huge Thanks to our Butterfly CreatorsWe are thankful to the volunteers that created displays for our Butterfly Stroll! We hope that you had a chance to enjoy these as you st...
Downtown Manchester's Annual Butterfly Stroll!Join Downtown Manchester as we kick off our Summer 2nd Saturday Weekends with the Annual Butterfly Stroll and celebrate Manchester's rec...
Call to Artists by the Galleries at WORK_SPACEThe Galleries at WORK_SPACE has posted a call to artists for three upcoming exhibits! Cogs & Canvas: A Steampunk Art Extravaganza Art en...