Business News

Recent News Posts for our Downtown Property Owners & Business Lessees

Here you will find recent news posts specifically related to district governance and planning. These articles are written to inform our property owners and business lessees.

View our Downtown News and Downtown Calendar to read posts that have been shared with the community.

This information is also sent out in our weekly emails to our constituents. If you are not receiving these weekly emails, contact the Downtown Manager to update our records. 
Facilitating Conversations about the Downtown Manchester... The Downtown Manchester Special Services District is excited about the Town of Manchester's commitment to making updates and improvement...
Business Open House Events for Downtown Manchester Impro... Businesses are invited to attend open house events to provide feedback on the Downtown Manchester Improvements Project.
Help Your Clients & Customers Discover More Downtown!The beauty of Downtown Manchester is that we have over 200 businesses ranging from restaurants to medical offices and everything in betw...
Creative Notions: A Downtown Mother-Daughter Team Stitch... Creative Notions has been a part of Downtown Manchester for 4 years. Ever since opening the doors, Rachel and Bethany have been active a...
Downtown Manchester Special Services District Annual MeetingThe DMSSD Board of Commissioners will host the annual meeting on Wednesday, 1/17/2024 at 8 am at WORK_SPACe. All meetings are open to th...
Downtown Manchester Special Services District 2024 Month... The Downtown Manchester Board of Commissioners holds monthly meetings. The meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8am. M...
Share Feedback & Ideas for the Downtown Manchester Impr... Business owners, this is your invitation to engage directly with the Downtown Manchester Improvements Project. We're reaching out to bus...
Downtown Business: What are your road race plans?What are your plans for the happiest day in Manchester? If you will be open, let us know! We will share that information! The best way i...
Host a Downtown "Watch Party" The Center Congregational Church will be welcoming a new tree to town on November 4th! This15-foot, Kosteri Colorado Blue Spruce will be...
Join the Walk Audit for Downtown Main StreetA walk audit, led by State Representative Jason Rojas and Desegregate CT, is scheduled for Friday, October 27th from 12 pm - 2 pm. A wal...
Remiders from the Department of Planning & Economic Deve... Dear Manchester Downtown Business Owner: We hope this message finds you and your business well. As part of our ongoing commitment to sup...
Holiday on Main (11/25) : Short & Sweet Business Sign-UpHoliday on Main returns on Small Business Saturday (11/25). Downtown has hired a shuttle to help guests move around the district without...
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