Business News

Recent News Posts for our Downtown Property Owners & Business Lessees

Here you will find recent news posts specifically related to district governance and planning. These articles are written to inform our property owners and business lessees.

View our Downtown News and Downtown Calendar to read posts that have been shared with the community.

This information is also sent out in our weekly emails to our constituents. If you are not receiving these weekly emails, contact the Downtown Manager to update our records. 
Notice of Special MeetingThe Downtown Manchester Board of Commissioners will be holding a special meeting on Wednesday, 4/20 at 6pm. The meeting will be hle dat ...
Notice of Special MeetingThe DMSSD Marketing Team will be meeting to discuss the launch of our new website. The meeting will be held directly following the regul...
April Board of Commissioners MeetingThe April Board of Commissioners Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4/13 at 8am at WORK_SPACE. All meetings are open to the public, and ...
Downtown Commissioner ElectionsCommissioners are your fellow business neighbors and property owners within the district who volunteer to serve your needs and those of ...
Commissioner Meetings Return to In-PersonThe Downtown Manchester Special Services District is managed by an elected group of volunteers, the Board of Commissioners. The Commissi...
Welcome to the Board, Ryan Fagan!Ryan Fagan is co-owner and head brewer of Urban Lodge Brewing Company. Opened in August 2019, ULBC was created to serve as a welcoming, ...
Welcome to the Board, Sophia Dzialo!According to our ordinances, the Board of Commissioners is tasked with filling mid-term vacancies that arise.  We thank Bob Sulick, of M...
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