Recent News Posts for our Downtown Property Owners & Business Lessees
Here you will find recent news posts specifically related to district governance and planning. These articles are written to inform our property owners and business lessees.
This information is also sent out in our weekly emails to our constituents. If you are not receiving these weekly emails, contact the Downtown Manager to update our records.
Business Opportunities from WORK_SPACEPlease see the information below regarding how WORK_SPACE is hoping to support our downtown businesses! This information was also delive...
JOIN US TO PLAN FOR 2023!!!The Town of Manchester has already begun hosting the year-long celebrations of its 200th anniversary! Downtown Manchester is ready to ge...
2nd Saturday in May - Celebrate ManchesterPlease see this invitation below from WORK_SPACE. We would love to see some of our downtown businesses participate! You’re invited to jo...
Board of Commissioners Meeting Re-ScheduledThe regular Wednesday, February 8, 2023 meeting of the Board of Commissioners has been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 8...
Downtown Annual MeetingAll Downtown Members & Friends are invited to join us for our Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, 1/18, at 8am in the...
Snow & Ice Removal RemindersThe snow season is quickly approaching. The District would like to remind all Downtown property owners and business tenants of the impor...
Ribbon Cutting at PerennialJoin us in celebrating our newest downtown shop - perennial! Perennial will be holding its grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony on ...
Holiday Ads in the JournalWhat is better than advertising alone? Advertising together!We have the opportunity to once again come together for a Downtown Holiday P...
Ribbon Cutting at The Main CourseJoin us in celebrating our newest downtown restaurant! The Main Course will be holding a ribbon cutting on Wednesday, November 3rd, from...
Learn More About the Library ProposalHere is an opportunity to learn more about the referendum regarding the proposed library. Supporters of the plan to build a new publi...
Holiday on Main: Business Participation NeededBelieve it or not, it is time to finalize plans for Holiday on Main! Plan for some downtown fun on Small Business Saturday, 11/26, from...