Board of Commissioners Updates
At the July 21st Board of Commissioners Meeting Sohpia Dzialo, owner of The Firestone | Art Studio & Cafe, stepped down as Chair. Sophia will continue to serve on the board as commissioner. Dan Mulligan, a Property Owner Representative, was appointed as the Interim Chair.
Additionally, the commissioners have formed a nominating committee which has been tasked with identifying possible representatives to be appointed to fill the remaining mid-term vacancies. This committee is comprised of Sophia Dzialio, Tarek Ambia, and our Downtown Manager, Bernie LeBel.
Current vacancies include:
- Commissioner, Property Owner
- AlternateCommissioner, Property Owner or Business Lessee
- Downtown Faith Groups Representative, Ex-Officio Member
If you are interested in learning more about serving on the Board of Commissioners, we would love to hear from you. Please complete the contact form below.
As a reminder, the monthly board of commissioner meetings are open to the public, and all Downtown Members are encouraged to attend. There are many ways to get involved and to support the District even without serving as a commissioner! To learn more, use the form below!